
Showing posts from July, 2011

Steampunked & Gorgeous - Hujoo Berry is complete!!

" krrrrsshh ...Hello London?...Come in London...Hujoo Berry on a mission to save Big Ben from the dastardly Cog-Thief of Old Kentish Town... Over.. krrrrsshh ." Top hat with its eyepiece and straps. On the ends are small magnet fastenings I got from a bead shop and sewed on the ends for easy fixing. They're quite strong so hold very well. At the moment she still has a factory face-up, I only added a little extra colour to the lips. Not having done a face-up before I wanted to get some practise in first on other dolls. My super-duper hubby made this awesome piece - "The Winston Biofragmentation Rifle" here showing the back. With adorable Biofrag refills (the green rods) "The Winston Biofragmentation Rifle" from the front This fine contraption is "Dr. Schicksal's Wrist-mounted Ruffian Repudiator", in other words it repels and erases any trouble-...